Alteronce Gumby at Parrasch Heijnen

Alteronce Gumby: My Favorite Color is a Rainbow, installation view at Parrasch Heijnen

Alteronce Gumby: My Favorite Color is a Rainbow, installation view at Parrasch Heijnen

Parrasch Heijnen Gallery is pleased to present Alteronce Gumby: My Favorite Color is a Rainbow, the gallery’s second solo exhibition featuring new work by Bronx, NY-based artist Alteronce Gumby (b. 1985, Harrisburg, PA).

This new body of work, the majority of which was created this past summer in Los Angeles, is a distillation of Gumby’s awareness of and fascination with the manifestation of energies throughout the universe. Working with thousands of fractured glass shards, gemstones, pigments, and acrylic medium, these meticulously composed images radiate a proliferation of hyper chromatic activity. Chatoyant reflections and refractions of glass shards and gemstones, upon surfaces spanning up to six feet, are activated upon interaction with light and motion, immersing the viewer in an interactive experience.

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